Day 10

Flagstaff to Holbrook - 95 miles Today was an uneventul day really except that "I was standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona -- such a fine sight to see." -- from a song made famous by the Eagles, of course. The rest of the day was spent riding along Interstate 40 from Flagstaff (7,000 ft elevation) to Holbrook, AZ (about 5,000 ft). It was a good day because we were going down in elevation and we had a tailwind from the west which was great! This was our first tailwind day since the second day when we had a few casualties. We will cross the New Mexico state line tomorrow and stay in Gallup tomorrow night -- mileage for the day will be around 85 -- about the norm, it seems! I had two flats which wasn't fun but I had good help, so it turned out fine. More later!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Peggy!
I will print your comments about your adventure and take them to book club with me tomorrow night. We will miss you but we will be cheering you on as you continue your journey. God's Blessings to you as you travel. We will continue to follow your progress!