Day 35

Crawfordsville to Indianapolis -- 65 miles Today we rode in the rain for most of the ride. We had a fun rest stop at the Gentry's farm. We huddled up on their front porch and had snacks and visited with Donna and Carl who have been welcoming Tracy and her CrossRoads riders for the last ten years. We had a chance to ride on an outdoor velodrome but most of us passed up the opportunity to get out of the rain as soon as possible. We had to ride in pretty heavy city traffic in the rain for the last 4 miles so that was unpleasant and challenging. I wish motorists remembered that cyclists have the same rights as another vehicle and that we obey the same traffic laws as cars. It's frustrating and dangerous some times when they act like we have no right to be on the road (in their nice dry cars!). When we heard thunder and saw the lightening, we rode the last few miles in record time. We were drenched w hen we got to the hotel and very glad to have a dry place to go for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

kaz said...

hi. my pc been been broke. so i enjoyed reading back on your blogs. keep it up peggy your all doing fantastic. love from karen (georges daughter)